Hormone Breast Cancer Fear

Many healthcare professionals have been asking for the opinions and/or responses of menopause experts to the recent JAMA article.
My comments echo those of my colleague, Dr. Alan Altman, as well as those of Wulf Utian, MD, founder and long-time executive director of the North American Menopause Society who recently stepped down from that post after 30 years.

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New Book on Estrogen Use in Menopause Sheds Light on the Risks and Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy and Bioidentical Hormones

Every week it seems like there is new and many times conflicting information about hormone therapy for menopausal women. Now, thanks to a leading gynecologist at a prestigious San Francisco medical center, women can clear up the confusion…

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Letter to Editor in response to Kantrowitz and Wingert (Newsweek 3/1/2010)

As a women’s health physician, breast cancer advocate and author, it’s time we get solid information that encourages hormonal harmony, and doesn’t fan the flames of ill founded fear. Kantrowitz and Wingert offer us an erroneous cancer scare, an old theory recycled, contributing nothing of value. Women are victims of scare campaigns…

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