
We believe that it is important for your good health and optimal care that you be seen a minimum of once every 12 months to continue to receive refills on your medications. We recommend you schedule your yearly (annual) appointment at least 2-3 months in advance so that you can get a day and time that is convenient for you. We reserve time for urgent appointments and respond as your needs require.
When requesting a refill on a current medication prescribed by Dr. Pollycove, please call your pharmacy firstincluding mail order pharmacies. The pharmacy will contact our office to approve the refill. Pharmacies usually contact the office via a faxed request. They will have the necessary information we need to approve the refill. Pharmacy requests are processed throughout the day to ensure a timely response, but please allow 24 hours for your prescription to be filled.
Remember, if it has been more than a year since you have been seen by Dr. Pollycove and your prescription no longer has refills available, you will need to make an appointment before any additional refills will be authorized. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
Thank you for your cooperation.